
Lesson 4 short exchange listening-1

A. 121.9
B. loud and clear
C. 5
D. 129.0


Lesson 4 short exchange listening-2

A. GABCD’s voice is perfectly readable
B. GABCD’s transmission is hard to understand
C. He can not hear what GABCD says
D. The crew’s transmission is broken

Lesson 4 short exchange listening-3

A. in and out
B. loud and clear
C. unreadable
D. readable but with difficulty

Lesson 4 short exchange listening-4

A. due squawk noise
B. due background whistle
C. due broken transmission
D. due unreadability

Lesson 4 short exchange listening-5

A. Due fast speed
B. due broken transmission
C. due unstable signal
D. due background whistle
