
The Great Plague of LondonListen to a passage about The Great Plague of London and fill in the blanks.The Great Plague of London (1664 — 1666) was an_______(1)of bubonic (鼠疫) plague that ___________(2)London and was particularly violent during the hot months of August and September of 1665. In one week, 7,165 people died of the plague. The total number of deaths was about 70,000 of a total population __________(3)at 460,000. The disease was carried by _________(4)that lived on black rats. It was generally_____________(5), and its effects were terrible — fever and __________(6), swelling of the lymph glands, eventual ____________(7)and death. Most of the______________(8)was in the city’s outskirts, in areas where the poor were densely crowded. Those who could, including most doctors, lawyers and ____________(9), fled the city. All trade with London and other plague towns was stopped, but from 1667 only sporadic cases appeared until 1679. The plague’s decline was___________(10)to various causes, including the Great Fire of London.



A. 刑警
B. 人类灵魂的工程师
C. 国家公务员
D. 职员

将“大熊猫”限制为“可爱的大熊猫”,概括为“动物”。( )

A. 限制对,概括错;
B. 限制错,概括对;
C. 限制和概括都错;
D. 限制和概括都对

“北京是中国的首都”这句话中的“北京”和“中国”两个概念外延间为( )。



A. 非集合概念
B. 集合概念
C. 单独概念
D. 负概念
