An easement is a legal process in which someone _____________ another party to use a portion of land that legally possess for a stated reason.
_____________ is a system of land registration in which clear title is established with a governmental authority that issues title certificates to owners. Real estate that is recorded using this method is also called registered property or Torrens property.
A. Torrens title system
B. Quiet title action
A bona fide purchaser is one who does not know of the seller’s wrong doing but has a _________ that the seller has title, and in addition pays valuable consideration.
A. bad faith belief
B. good faith belief
According to Rule Against Perpetuities, an interest is _________ if there is any possibility, however remote, that the interest may vest more than 21 years after some life in being at the creation of the interest.
A. void
B. valid
Government may control how real property is used. _________ is the regulation and restriction of real property by a local government.
A. Trespassing
B. Zoning