
Bacon’s work, has been recognized as an important landmark in the development of English prose()

A. The Advancement of Learning
B. The New Instrument
C. Essays
D. The New Atlantis


Which of the following is NOT John Milton’s work()

A. Paradise Lost
B. Paradise Regained
C. Samson Agonistes
D. Othello

Which one is Not Francis Bacon’s work()

A. The Advancement of Learning
B. The New Instrument
C. Essays
D. As You Like It

English Renaissance Period was an age of_____()

A. prose and novel
B. poetry and drama
C. essays and journals
D. ballads and songs

Which is NOT one of Shakespeare’s four great tragedies()

A. Othello
B. Macbeth
C. Hamlet
D. Romeo and Juliet
