Some aircraft specifically designed for short takeoff and landing can even become____ from a standing start when pointed into a sufficiently strong wind.
A. failed
B. banked
C. unstable
D. airborne
The takeoff speed required varies with air density, aircraft gross weight, and aircraft ____ (flap and/or slat position, as applicable).
A. shape
B. control
C. system
D. configuration
This relationship between temperature, altitude, and air density can be expressed as a____altitude, or the altitude in the International Standard Atmosphere at which the air density would be equal to the actual air density.
A. density
B. actual
C. relative
D. geographical
Below V1, in case of critical failures, the takeoff should be____; above V1 the pilot continues the takeoff and returns for landing.
A. continued
B. delayed
C. canceled
D. aborted
After the co-pilot calls____, he/she will call VR or "rotate," marking speed at which to rotate the aircraft.
A. Vx
B. V1
C. V2
D. Vy