
According to Otto Jepersen, what is the cause for English to become what it is?

A. Because its long developing history.
B. It's the result of the great respecters of the liberties of each individual.


What is English language in the author's opinion?

A. English is the tongue of the common man.
B. English is the special preserve of grammarians, language police, teachers, writers and the intellectual elite.


A. 对
B. 错

Put the following items in the right order according to the sequence in the video "The History of English in Ten Minutes".

关于同一控制下企业合并的处理,以下表述中不正确的是( )。

A. 编制合并报表时不存在合并商誉
B. 编制合并报表时,取得被合并方净资产按照账面价值确认应有份额的金额
C. 进行合并日会计处理时,不存在投资资产账面价值和公允价值的差额
D. 编制合并报表时有可能存在合并商誉,需要抵销
