15. MPLS (multi-protocol label switching) is a standard for IP switching that aims to switch most but route few IP packets. What is the barrier to its deployment? How can we reduce the effect of this barrier?15.MPLS(多协议标签交换)是IP交换的一种标准,旨在交换多数但路由少数的IP数据包。将其实施的障碍是什么?如何减少这一障碍的影响?
16. When supporting a protocol, we may put the protocol entity into the kernel or a daemon process. What are the considerations here? That is, when will you put it into the kernel and a daemon, respectively?16.当支持某个协议时,我们可能将协议实体放入内核或守护进程中。这里需要考虑什么?也就是说,分别在什么时候将协议实体放入内核和守护进程?
21. Linux, apache, sendmail, GNU C library, bind, freeS/wan, and snort are popular open source packages. Search on the Internet to find out the license model for each of them, and summarize the differences between these license models.21.Linux、Apache、sendmail、GNU C库、bind、FreeS/WAN和Snort是流行的开源软件包。在互联网上搜索它们的许可证模式,并概括这些许可证模式之间的差异。
22. When you type in a URL at your browser, you get the corresponding homepage within seconds. Briefly describes what happened at your host, the intermediate routers, and the related server, respectively. Read Section 1.5.2 before writing your answers so that your answer is precise, but do not assume you are running on Linux systems.22.当用户在浏览器中输入一个URL时,会在几秒钟内得到相应的网页。分别简要描述在主机、中间路由器以及相关的服务器上会发生什么。书写答案之前为了使你的答案更为准确,参阅第1.5.2节,但不一定要求运行在Linux系统之上。
固体材料从宏观角度可以分为___________、__________、______ _ 三种。