There are threeprinciplesweshould follow during the translation of sports news, they are ___________, ___________ and __________ .
Translate following English sport news into Chinese.The final of today’s 50 meter freestyle at the Paralympic Games has to be swum over. Liesette Bruinsma, who narrowly finished fourth in that final, has protested against the course of the competition.According to the visually impaired Frisian, she was hindered during her race by the Chinese swimmer, Li Guizhi, who tapped second. The Chinese came with her arm three times over the intermediate swimming line, which caused Bruinsma to change direction in her orbit and in turn ended up with her arm in the swimming line again, is the explanation of the protest.National coach of the swimming team Sander Nijhuis: “The regulations allow to protest in the event of significant hindrance. That was clearly visible in this case. We were ultimately in the right. We now have to wait and see when the final will be swum over.”
Translate following Chinese sport news into English.随着奥运会在8月8日落下帷幕,中国体育代表团陆续登上了回家的航班。在为期两周紧张刺激的赛事中,代表团的表现让体育界之外的整个国家都为之欢呼。中国体育代表团带着亮眼的成绩离开日本东京:38枚金牌、32枚银牌和18枚铜牌,金牌数追平2012年伦敦奥运会时取得的境外参赛最好成绩。中国队位列奖牌榜第二位,金牌数仅次于美国的39枚。领奖台之外也有许多值得纪念的时刻。 本次东京奥运会上,中国运动员158次获得比赛前八名的成绩,这创了自1984年中国首次参加奥运会以来的又一新高。所有中国运动员都安然无恙、干干净净地回到祖国,就是赛后的另一收获。参赛期间代表团中没有出现1例新冠肺炎病例,226例兴奋剂检查结果也均为阴性。
A. 40℃
B. 20℃
C. 60℃
D. 任意温度下
A. 温度升高,粘度增加
B. 温度升高,粘度减小
C. 粘度不随温度变化