The two parties of the contract have reached an agreement that their top priorities must be profit and ___________________________ growth.
The new employee suggested to _____________________ the earlier proposal so as to make it more comprehensive.
The technical cooperation and cultural ___________________ between the two countries are daily on the increase.
社区矫正对象矫正期满或者被赦免的,社区矫正机构应当向社区矫正对象发放( ),并通知社区矫正决定机关、所在地的人民检察院、公安机关。
A. 解除社区矫正证明书
B. 终止社区矫正通知书
C. 解除社区矫正通知书
D. 终止社区矫正证明书
社区矫正对象死亡的,社区矫正( )。
A. 中止
B. 终止
C. 停止
D. 解除