Young Steven Spielberg charged 50 cents per person to show his home movies to his friends.
Steven Spielberg has won four Academy Award for Best Director and has been nominated over a dozen times for Best Director and Best Movie.
A. 对
B. 错 watch the video clip recommended above about the introduction of Steven Spielberg, and answer the following questions. 看完关于斯皮尔伯格导演的简短视频介绍后,回答下面题目。1.连线他的作品。
迷你图的类型不包括( )
A. 折线图
B. 柱形图
C. 盈亏图
D. 饼图
反映每月的产品销售额变化,可以用迷你图中的( )
A. 柱形图
B. 折线图
C. 盈亏图
D. 无法用迷你图显示