第五段:where is the feeling "we are not good enough" reflected?
A. the music we listen to
B. the poem
C. what we say to ourselves and our loved ones
D. the shows we watch
第九段:what should we hold on to?
A. to keep up with the Joneses
B. stuff will never make you happy
C. more is never enough
D. contentment comes from within
第十段:what should we do now?
A. stop believe the message that we are not good enough
B. stop buying things to "improve" who you are
C. stop misleading our kids
D. stop studying
科学发展观强调,( )是党执政后的一项根本建设。
A. 执政能力建设
B. 党要管党
C. 传统文化建设
D. 依法行政建设
中国特色社会主义的本质属性是( )。
A. 民主法治
B. 公平正义
C. 社会和谐
D. 安定有序