

A. 不控制
B. 控制
C. 时间允许时控制
D. 视情形决定是否控制



A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 造成医疗责任事故、情节严重的
B. 隐匿、伪造或者擅自销毁医学文书,构成犯罪的
C. 造成医疗技术事故、情节严重的
D. 受刑事处罚的
E. 考核不合格的医师以上哪种情况给予以下处罚


A. 1986
B. 1987
C. 1989
D. 1990

You are designing an Active Directory implementation strategy to present to executives from your company and from Contoso, Ltd. Which implementation strategy should you use?()

A. Upgrade the New York domain. Upgrade the Chicago domain. Create a pristine forest for Contoso, Ltd.
B. Create a pristine forest. Upgrade the New York domain. Upgrade the Chicago domain. Do nothing further.
Create pristine forest. Upgrade the New York domain. Upgrade the Chicago domain. Create a pristine forest for Contoso, Ltd.
D. Create a pristine forest. Upgrade the New York domain. Upgrade the Chicago domain. Create a new child domain for Contoso, Ltd. &e
