What is the meaning of the term tare weight?().
A. Pounds of force necessary to damage a container
B. Total weight of a container and contents
C. Weight of a container
D. Weight of the contents of a container
A. 支撑能力
B. 隔火能力
C. 完整性
某公司已有漏洞扫描和入侵检测系统(Intrusien Detection System,IDS)产品,需要购买防火墙,以下做法应当优先考虑的是()
A. 选购当前技术最先进的防火墙即可
B. 选购任意一款品牌防火墙
C. 任意选购一款价格合适的防火墙产品
D. 选购一款同已有安全产品联动的防火墙