甲午战败后,李鸿章伤感地说:“我办了一辈子事,练兵也,海军也,都是纸糊的老虎……不过勉强涂饰,虚有其表。”从他的话中,我们更能看出洋务运动是( )
A. 一次使中国走上了富强道路的运动
B. 一次失败了的资产阶级改良运动
C. 一次失败了的封建统治者的自救运动
D. 一次资产阶级的民主革命运动
Which of the following is not the feature of Romanticism? ( )
A. individualism
B. worship of nature
C. power of reason
D. emotionalism
Who is not the figure of Lake Poets? ( )
A. William Wordworth
B. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
C. Robert Southey
D. John Keats
Who wrote the famous line “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” in the poem “Ode to the West Wind”? ( )
A. William Wordsworth
B. Lord Byron
C. Percy Bysshe Shelly
D. John Keats