
Chinese cuisine is a brilliant facet of Chinese culture, which is proven by the fact that Chinese restaurants are found scattered everywhere throughout the world.


This dish of streaky pork is prepared over a slow fire where the big chunks of pork are braised with green onion, ginger, cooking wine, soy sauce, and sugar.“where” 指代句子中的什么内容?

Fujian cuisine boasts a famous dish called Buddha Jumping over the wall, the number one dish of the province.此句是否包含定语从句?如包含,定语从句是什么?

三相三线接线方式如有一相电流反接,在相量图上Iu和Iw的夹角应为120°。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Instead, he immediately became an electrician after high school, working as an _______ and eventually becoming a journeyman.

A. apprentice
B. teacher
C. worker
D. expert
