用一辈子的时间跟他学习,也不能完全领悟他的伟大和智慧。He ____Lao Tzu all his life, but could not understand all his great ____.
2500年后,老子的著作成为被翻译最多语言的中国读物。2,500 yearslater his work has been ____ many foreign languages.
老子认为人类要向自然学习,注意保持天地万物的和谐发展。Lao Tzu believed that people should ____, and keep a ____ nature
在一条小溪旁,老子告诉孔子,圣人应当像这眼前的流水。Besides a river, Lao Tzu told Kong Qiu that a _____ should act like ____.
水善于滋润万物,而不与万物争夺利益。Water ____ others, bue does not ____ others.