
A larger variety of products results from international trade especially if:

A. Internationaltradeaffordsproducersmonopolypower
B. Nationalgovernmentslevyimporttariffsandquotas
C. Producinggoodsentailsincreasingcosts
D. Economiesofscaleexistforproducers


With economies of scale and decreasing unit costs, a country has the incentive to:

A. Specializecompletelyintheproduct of its comparative advantage
B. Specializepartiallyinthe product of its comparative advantage
C. Specializecompletelyinthe product of its comparative disadvantage
D. Specializepartiallyintheproduct of its comparative disadvantage

Proponents of ____ maintain that government should enact polices that encourage the decelopment of emerging, "sunrise" industries.

A. Productlifecyclepolicy
B. Staticcomparativeadvantagepolicy
C. Intra-industrytradepolicy
D. Industrialpolicy

Legislationrequiringdomestic manufacturers to install pollution abatement equipment tends to promote:

A. Higherproductioncosts and an increase in output
B. Higherproductioncostsand a decrease in output
C. Lowerproduction costs and an increase in output
D. Lowerproductioncostsand a decrease in output

Stringentgovernmentalregulations (e.g. air quality standars) imposed on domestic steel manufacturers tend to:

A. Enhancetheircompetitiveness in the international market
B. Detractfromtheircompetitivenessin the international market
C. Increasetheprofitabilityand productivity of domestic manufacturers
D. Reducethemarketshareof foreign firms selling steel in the domestic market
