Which of the following is true of LIBOR
A. The LIBOR rate is free of credit risk
B. A LIBOR rate is lower than the Treasury rate when the two have the same maturity
C. It is a rate used when borrowing and lending takes place between banks
D. It is subject to favorable tax treatment in the U.S.
Which of the following is NOT a theory of the term structure
A. Expectations theory
B. Market segmentation theory
C. Liquidity preference theory
D. Maturity preference theory
A repo rate is
An uncollateralized rate
B. A rate where the credit risk is relative high
C. The rate implicit in a transaction where securities are sold and bought back later at a higher price
D. None of the above
Which of following is applicable to corporate bonds in the United States?
B. Actual/Actual
C. 30/360
D. Actual/365
The most recent settlement bond futures price is 103.5. Which of the following four bonds is cheapest to deliver?
A. Quoted bond price = 110; conversion factor = 1.0400.
B. Quoted bond price = 160; conversion factor = 1.5200.
C. Quoted bond price = 131; conversion factor = 1.2500.
D. Quoted bond price = 143; conversion factor = 1.3500.