
The Aleuts, residing on several islands of the Aleutian Chain, the Pribilof Islands, and the Alaskan Peninsula, have possessed a written language since 1825, when the Russian missionary Ivan Veniaminov selected appropriate characters of the Cyrillic alphabet to represent Aleut speech sounds, recorded the main body of Aleut vocabulary, and formulated grammatical rules. The Czarist Russian conquest of the proud, independent sea hunters was so devastatingly thorough that tribal traditions, even tribal memories, were almost obliterated. The slaughter of the majority of an adult generation was sufficient to destroy the continuity of tribal knowledge, which was dependent upon oral transmission. As a consequence, the Aleuts developed a fanatical devotion to their language as their only cultural heritage.
The Russian occupation placed a heavy linguistic burden on the Aleuts. Not only were they compelled to learn Russian to converse with their overseers and governors, but they had to learn Old Slavonic to take an active part in church services as well as to master the skill of reading and writing their own tongue. In 1867, when the United States purchased Alaska, the Aleuts were unable to break sharply with their immediate past and substitute English for any one of their three languages.
To communicants of the Russian Orthodox Church a knowledge of Slavonic remained vital, as did Russian, the language in which 0ne conversed with the clergy. The Aleuts came to regard English education as a device to wean them from their religious faith. The introduction of compulsory English schooling caused a minor renascence of Russian culture as the Aleut parents sought to counteract the influence of the schoolroom. The harsh life of the Russian colonial rule began to appear more happy and beautiful in retrospect.
Regulations forbidding instruction in any language other than English increased its unpopularity. The superficial alphabetical resemblance of Russian and Aleut linked the two tongues so closely that every restriction against teaching Russian was interpreted as an attempt to eradicate the Aleut tongue. From the wording of many regulations, it appears the American administrators often had not the slightest idea that the Aleuts were clandestinely reading and writing their own tongue or even had a written language of their own. To too many officials, anything in Cyrillic letters was Russian and something to be stamped out. Bitterness bred by abuses and the exploitations the Aleuts suffered from predatory American traders and adventurers kept alive the Aleut resentment against the language spoken by Americans.
Gradually, despite the failure to emancipate the Aleuts from a sterile past by relating the Aleut and English languages more closely, the passage of years has assuaged the bitter misunderstandings and caused an orientation away from Russian toward English as their second language, but Aleut continues to be the language that molds their thought and expression.
The author is primarily concerned with describing______.

A. the Aleuts' loyalty to their language and American failure to understand it
B. Russian and United States' treatment of Alaskan inhabitants both before and after 1867
C. how the Czarist Russian occupation of Alaska created a written language for the Aleuts
D. United States government attempts to persuade the Aleuts to use English as a second language


The evidence that a child with blood pressure higher or lower than the norm would tend to

A. suggest that essential hypertension may have biochemical causes
B. show that high blood pressure can be detected in children under the age of 15
C. provide evidence that factors affecting blood pressure are already present in children
D. propose that increased screening of children for high blood pressure should be undertaken

A.Seeing a film.B.Attending an evening party.C.Having another try.D.Finding a better th

A. Seeing a film.
B. Attending an evening party.
C. Having another try.
D. Finding a better theatre.

听力原文: The Bush administration Friday reaffirmed its opposition to Israel trying to exile or kill Palestinian leader Yasser Ararat. The comments followed an assertion by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that he was no longer bound by a commitment to the United States not to harm the Palestinian Authority chief.
A senior Bush administration official says the United States has made it "entirely clear" that it would oppose any action to harm Yasser Arafat and that the U. S. position has been reiterated to Israeli authorities following the latest Sharon remarks.
The Israeli Prime Minister said in a television interview Friday that he told President Bush at their White House meeting last week that he had released himself from a commitment he made to the United States three years ago not to physically harm Mr. Arafat.
The senior administration official, who spoke to reporters at the White House, said the issue had come up at the April 14 meeting and that the President reiterated U. S. opposition to such an action.
He said the matter had been taken up with Israel following the Sharon interview remarks and that the United States considers the Sharon promise to still be operative. "We consider a pledge," he said, "a pledge."
Sharon made a commitment three years ago that______.

A. he would not harm Ararat
B. he would withdraw his troops
C. he would deal with the conflict between Israel and Palestine
D. he would not overthrow Palestinian government

Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
听力原文: A militant group linked to al-Qaida has taken credit for Wednesday' s bombing of the national police headquarters in Saudi Arabia. Some analysts say the attack opens a new chapter in al-Qaida's fight against the West and its allies in the Middle East. Analysts in tile region are offering explanations, and advice on what the Saudi government should do about it.
The Saudi government expressed outrage at the bombing, and in Cairo, Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa condemned tile attackers for, in his words, terrorizing our societies.
Mr. Moussa said most of the victims are civilians, and he called the attack unacceptable.
The attack, carried out by Muslims against Muslims, also drew harsh condemnation from Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority, which said unjustly killing a Muslim is the gravest crime.
In Egypt, the banned Islamic group known as the Muslim Brotherhood also condemned the Saudi blast as destabilizing and damaging to Islam.
So why do such attacks continue in spite of both secular and religious criticism in the Arab world? Mohammed Salah, director of the Arabic language al-Hayat newspaper in London, says anger against U. S. policies in the region is encouraging groups like al-Qaida.
Mr. Salah says antagonistic feelings against the West are leading the attackers to target governments they see as supporting the United States. Anger is particularly sharp over the invasion of Iraq and U. S. support for Israel.
Who was found to be involved in the bombing of the National police headquarters?

B. A militant group.
C. The Muslim Brotherhood.
D. A group of separatists.
