

A. IFN-α
B. IL-4
D. TNF-β
E. IL-2



According to the passage, one way in which Larson’s theory and the conventional theory of

A. amount of time it took to form. the galaxy
B. size of the galaxy immediately after its formation
C. particular gas involved in the formation of the galaxy
D. importnce of the age of globular clusters in determining how the galaxy was formed
E. shape of the halo that formed around the galaxy


Which of the following most accurately state a finding of Bolte’s research, as described in the passage?

A. The globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy are 2 billion years older than predicted by the conventional theory.
B. The ages of at least some globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy differ by at leat 4 billion years.
C. One of the globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy is 5 billion years younger than most others.
D. The globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy are significantly older than the individual stars in the halo.
E. Most globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy are between 11 and 15 billion years old.
