
Directions: You will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and complete the following sentences. Year in, year out, we find something coming in and out of fashion in every aspect of life, from hairstyle to food, music to language, and even 1) __________________. Some of these changes in our lifestyle may be explained by 2)__________________, but certainly not all of these. Fashions may be of two kinds: 3) _____________. A trend lasts longer than a fad and becomes a true part of 4)______________. 5) __________________ is no doubt a trend among most women. Some college students would marry 6) __________________ or even a thief than someone fat.



下列城市中,因“城在海上,海在城中”,而被誉为“海上花园”的是( )。

A. 辽宁大连
B. 海南三亚
C. 福建厦门
D. 山东青岛

浙江省第一大河( ),发源于安徽省黄山市休宁县境内,流经安徽、浙江两省。

A. 浦江
B. 飞云江
C. 曹娥江
D. 钱塘江

“巴人悬棺”景点位于( )。

A. 陕西华山
B. 湖南衡山
C. 江西三清山
D. 重庆三峡
