
Henry James took great interest in the _________theme of the traditionless American confronting the complexity of European life.

A. International
B. interpersonal relationship
C. adolescence
D. feminist


Which of the following is NOT correct about The Portrait of a Lady?

A. Isabel Archer and Caspar Goodwood reflect the passasionate and naive Amercian values of the New World.
B. Isabel Archer is a beautiful, intelligent, and independent individual who responds actively to the female duty the society has imposed upon her.
C. Henry James probes deeply into Isable Archer's psychology, writing in a rich and intricate style thatsupports his intense scrutinizing of complex human experience.
D. Isbel Archer and Ralph Touchett lose themselves for their fates are totally driven by their desires and environments.

___________________, which traced the material rise of Carrie Meeber and teh tragic decline of G.W. Hurstwood, was Dreiser's first novel and masterpiece.

A. The "Genius" (1915)
B. An American Tragedy (1925)
C. The Financer (1912)
D. Sister Carrie (1900)

Which of the following NOT the most important modern novelists?

A. Henry James
B. Theodore Dreiser
C. Earst Hemingway (海明威)
D. William Faulkner (福克纳)

Which of the following is NOT one of the "Triology of Desire" by Theodore Dreiser?

A. The Financier (1912)
B. The Titan (1914)
C. An American Tradedy (1925)
D. The Stoic (1947)
