What was the singer doing before the introduction?
A. She was recording a record.
B. She was writing new songs.
C. She was on tour in Europe.
D. She was spending time with her brother.
What will happen at noon?
A. The next radio program will begin.
B. The program guest will make an announcement.
Contest winners will be selected.
D. The listeners will call the radio station.
What advice does the speaker give?
A. To take an alternative route
B. To turn the vehicle headlights on
C. To use public transportation
D. To leave early to avoid the traffic
A. “九一八”事变
B. 华北事变
C. 卢沟桥事变
D. 淞沪抗战
What is true about the pay raise?
A. Workers are all paid by the day.
B. Someone who has an experience gets high pay.
C. There is no pay check for the first few months.
D. It depends on how the graduate nurses do on their jobs.