The oldest known organ donor was a 107-year-old Scottish woman, whose ___________ were donated after her death in 2016.
A. kidneys
B. corneas
C. liver
D. heart
The solutions included general anesthesia, first used in _______ by a country doctor, Crawford Long, in Jefferson, Georgia. After this procedure was publicly demonstrated in 1846 by a dentist, William Morton, at Massachusetts General Hospital, the technique of general anesthesia disseminated around the world in months.
A. 1820
B. 1830
C. 1842
D. 1884
The provisions of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act of 1968 in the US banned the purchase and sale of body parts, facilitate the simplified process of obtaining authorization to retrieve organs, and ensures that medical staff establish procedures and guidelines to identify organ donors while under hospital care.
A. patients with organ failure
B. organ recipients
C. proper patients
D. organ donors
Transplants that are recently performed between two subjects of the same species are called ______________.
A. allografts
B. autografts
C. xenografts
D. isograft
Organs and/or tissues that are transplanted within the same person's body are called _______________.
A. xenografts
B. isografts
C. allografts
D. autografts