
There is a problem with one of the disks used for your database and your system administrator informs you that the disk needs to be replaced. The replacement disk will not be available until tomorrow. There was only one data file on this disk; it belongs to the USERS tablespace in your PROD database. Your PROD database runs in ARCHIVELOG mode and nightly online backups are taken. The users need to be able to access the data in the USERS tablespace before the replacement disk arrives. You have already taken the USERS tablespace offline and have restored the data file from last night’s backup to a new disk. Which additional steps are required in order to make the USERS tablespace available?()

A. Only bring the tablespace back online.
B. Only recover the tablespace and then bring the tablespace back online.
C. Shut down the database, recover the data file and then start up the database.
D. Issue the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command, recover the tablespace, and then bring the tablespace online.
E. Recover the tablespace, issue the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command, and then bring the tablespace online.



A. 平行
B. 垂直
C. 成45°
D. 随意


A. 坚持任人唯贤,以素质论人才、凭实绩用干部
B. 用事业留人、用感情留人、用适当待遇留人、用培训留人,努力做到人尽其才、才尽其用
C. 通过进一步提供良好的政策条件、工作创业条件和生活学习条件,积极支持员工立足本职、建功立业,切实关心员工的学习和生活,努力帮助解决现实困难和问题
D. 坚决反对武断专横、闭目塞听的专制作风,坚决克服不顾大局、自私自利、脱离群众等不良倾向


Insufficient space between the hull and bottom in shallow water will prevent normal screw currents resulting in ().

A. waste of power
B. sudden sheering to either side
C. sluggish rudder response
D. All of the above
