Recent years have seen many conflicts caused by square dancing, or Guangchangwu. An increasing number of people argue that square dancing should be stopped for it has brought severe problems to daily life, but those who participate in square dancing believe it is a harmless activity to maintain health and be social. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Should Square Dancing Be Stopped?
A. 建设单位应委托建设工程的设计单位进行工程监理
B. 建设单位应将工程发包给具有相应资质等级的单位
C. 建设单位应负责采购建筑材料、建筑构件和设备
D. 建设单位应派人员参与施工单位组织的工程验收活动
What kind of business is Ms. Moores company?
An office product supplier
B. An international marketing company
C. A financial service provider
D. A shipping company
According to the article, what does T-Mart plan to do in the near future?
A. Launch a new advertising campaign
B. Expand its product categories
C. Add new payment options for its online customers
D. Stop selling electronic devices
A. 给付型健康保险
B. 定额型健康保险
C. 费用型健康保险
D. 收益型健康保险