支撑线和压力线都有可能被突破,他们不足以长久的组织股价保持原来的变动方向,只不过是暂时停顿而已。 ()
基本分析法的主要缺点是对短线投资者的指导作用比较弱,预测的精确度相对较低。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A.On a train.B.On a plane.C.On a boat.D.On a bus
A. On a train.
B. On a plane.
C. On a boat.
D. On a bus
我国资产负债表按账户式反映,其资产负债表分为左方和右方,左方列式负债和所有者权益个项目,右方列式资产各项目。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
Henry Ford was the first one to build cars which were fast, reliable(可靠的)and cheap. He was able to sell millions of them because he "mass-produced" them, that is, he made a great many cars of exactly the same type. Henry Ford's father had hoped his son would become a farmer, but the young man did not like the idea and went to Detroit where he worked as a mechanic.
By the time he was twenty-nine, in 1892, he had built his first car. The first "Massproduced" car in the world, The famous "Model T", appeared in 1908 five years after Henry had started his great Ford Motor's time, massproduction techniques have become common in industry and have reduced the price of a great many products which otherwise would be very expensive.
The passage mainly tells us ______.
A. how Henry Ford started his motor company
B. Henry Ford was a famous car producer
C. mass-production was introduced to the car-production industry by Henry Ford
D. Henry Ford was the first industrialist to build cars