Conversation 4[音频]
A. Whether Jane will take care of her son and dog.
B. Whether she can go to Jane for some advice.
C. Whether it is possible to travel with her kid.
D. Whether she can drive a jeep in her travel.
Conversation 5[音频]
A. The human nature of dreaming the impossible.
B. Traveling between the past and the future.
C. The possibility of traveling back in time.
D. The popularity of time travel stories.
微机控制点火系统的组成包括( )。
A. 点火线圈
B. 点火控制器
C. 发动机ECU
D. 传感器
E. 火花塞
点火系统的作用是产生电火花,点燃混合气。( )
A. 对
B. 错