
Gulliver is a__ in theLilliputians' eyes()

An emperor
B. An alien
C. A Man mountain
D. An evil


Which of the following places does Gulliver visit last()

A. Laputa/Flying Island
B. Lilliput
C. Brobdingnag
D. Houyhnhnm land

Who does Crusoe teach to say “Poor Robinson Crusoe… Where have you been?”()

A. Xury
B. Friday’s father
C. The parrot
D. Friday

What does Friday give to Crusoe that no one else could()

A. Emotional warmth
B. Appreciation for Christianity
C. Understanding of native culture
D. The ability to hunt

In A Modest Proposal, what did Swift suggest as a solution to the problem of Irish famine and overpopulation()

A. Eating babies
B. Separating men and women
C. Invading England
D. Sterilizing the rich
