Which of the following statements about software life cycle is true?__关于软件生命周期的描述以下哪项是对的? __()
A. Software life cycle is the repetitive nature of software testing
B. Every software system has its life cycle
C. Software life cycle is the period of time that a software product is in service
D. Software life cycle is the cycling through phases of specification, design, implementation, and testing
Which of the following statements about software is true?_以下哪个语是正确的? ____()
A. Software is transplantable
B. Software is a kind of concrete physical entity
C. The faults in a software system come from wearing out
D. Software is something mysterious mastered by some geniuses
Which of the following statements is true?_以下哪个语句是正确的?____()
A. Software company can always make more money from software development than from mainteannce
B. A software system goes through its life cycle, like a human being goes through his/her birth to death
C. Software company can make no or little money from software maintenance
D. Software development is more important than maintenance
Which of the following is not software ?__以下哪项不是软件? __()
A. testing plan
B. users
C. contract
D. requirements documents
In which of the following phases of software development is it the cheapest to fix a fault?_在软件开发的以下哪个阶段解决故障最廉价?_()
A. The integration phase
B. The design phase
C. The implementation phase
D. The maintenance phase