Which of the following words indicate cause and effect reasoning?
A. accordingly
B. as a result
C. whereas
D. consequently
Which of the following fallacies are Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?
A. Employees are like nails. Just as nalis must be hit in the head in order to make them work. So must employees.
B. Violent video games cause teens to be violent, because violent teens play violent video games.
C. Did you hear about the child who received a routine measles vaccine and subsequently developedautism? Thevaccinationmust have caused the developmental disorder.
D. Put on your coat before you go outside. If you don't , you'll get a cold. If you get a cold, you're sick. If you're sick, we'll have to take you to the hospital and you could die.
E. Unemployment decreased in the fourth quarter because the government eliminated the gasoline tax in the second quarter.
ZigBee网络中可以通过Panel ID区分协调器与节点,协调器用一个PAN ID,其它节点合用另一个PAN ID。
A. 对
B. 错
我们可以用16位PAN ID作为ZigBee网络标识符,这个标志占用两个字节。
A. 对
B. 错
有以下程序#include #includestruct A{int a;char b[10];double c;};struct A f(struct A t);main(){struct A a={1001,”ZhangDa”,1098.0};a=f(a);printf(“%d,%s,%6.1f\n”,a.a,a.b,a.c);}struct A f(struct A t){t.a=1002;strcpy(t.b,”ChangRong”);t.c=1202.0;return t;}程序运行后的输出结果是
A. 1001,ZhangDa,1098.0
B. 1002,ZhangDa,1202.0
C. 1001,ChangRong,1098.0
D. 1002,ChangRong,1202.0