Input Bias Current (IBIAS)
A. a measure of the ability of the amplifier to produce zero output voltage when the two inputs have the same voltage
B. the maximum current that can be delivered in the output of the amplifier
C. the DC current required by the inputs of the amplifier to properly drive the first stage
D. the current produced by the amplifier when in normal operation
Open-Loop Gain (Av)
A. the range of voltages that can be applied to an amplifier
B. the maximum dissipation that the amplifier can safely support
C. the ratio between the input and output signals
D. the maximum rate of change of the output signal in response to a step input
A. 发展前景:薪水提升空间,职位晋升空间,发展瓶颈,职业天花板
B. 工作要求:学历、专业、能力、经验、工作时间、工作强度
C. 进入途径:简历和面试考核方式与攻略
D. 主营业务、行业地位、单位性质、组织结构