Making new friends in college can be a ______experience to some students.
A. exciting
B. excited
C. so exciting
D. too excited
Making new friends in college can be a ______experience to some students.
A. frightened
B. frightening
C. to frightening
D. with frightened
The college website and campus activities are ______ for collecting information about clubs.
A. help
B. helping
C. to help
D. helpful
There’s______ like a good football game to make friends.
A. nothing
B. everything
C. no everything
D. anything
电感式和电容式传感器采用差动结构的目的是( )。
A. 改善回程误差
B. 提高固有频率
C. 改善非线性
D. 降低灵敏度