A(n) _______(电子) is very small piece of matter with a negative electrical charge, found i all atoms.
When she heard it was snowing in the city they were going to, she ________( 填,赛)two more sweaters into her bags.
云南元谋县发现了距今约( )前的猿人化石:
A. 200万年
B. 170万年
C. 70万
D. 20万
A. 使用彩陶
B. 使用黑陶
C. 修建干栏式建筑
D. 种植水稻
( )最具特色的文物是玉器:
A. 仰韶文化
B. 河姆渡文化
C. 良渚文化
D. 龙山文化