
What is the core of a car’s engine?

A. The cylinder
B. The spark plug
C. Windshield-washer fluid
D. Exhaust


Which of the following is one of the jobs of the differential?

A. To allow the wheels to rotate at exactly the same speed.
B. To maintain torque.
C. To aim the engine power at the wheels.

A manual transmission is connected to the engine through the.

A. differential
B. belt
C. clutch


A. 表现个性解放的需求
B. 反映人道主义精神
C. 思念祖国,愿意为祖国献身的精神
D. 对黑暗现实的批判


A. 作者
B. 祖国
C. 黑暗现实
D. 统治阶级
