
1.Find out sentences from Text A similar in meaning to those given below.1) Go on reading your letter.2) I’m not used to writing letters.3) We were friends since ourchildhood. So our friendship has a long history.4) For one reason or anotheryou lose touch even though you never forget.5) It is painful to lose anyfriend.


目录权限为 777 的权限转换为文字表述为:________

A. -rwxrwxr--
B. -rw-rwxr--
C. drwxrwxrwx
D. drwxr--r--

目录权限为 764 的权限转换为文字表述为:________

A. -rwxr--r--
B. drw-rw-rw-
C. drwxrw-rw-
D. drwxrw-r--

文件权限为 666 的权限转换为文字表述为:________

A. -rwxrwxrwx
B. -rw-rw-rw-
C. dr--r--r--
D. drwxrw-r--

目录权限为 777 的权限转换为文字,其自己对该目录的权限为__________

A. 可读可写可执行
B. 可读不可写可执行
C. 可读不可写不可执行
D. 不可读不可写可执行
