The Foreign Office advises against travelling around the Kashmir region because .
A. terrorism makes the place unsafe
B. the mountain landscape there is like a film set
C. harassment (骚扰行为)happens there
D. it’s a conservative Muslim area
According to the text, which one is TRUE about travelling?
A. It is suggested leaving behind the family for a long holiday.
B. It’s never too old to travel around the world.
C. An old person should settle down to be a normal grandparent.
Dangerous place is also worth going.
A. 立即手术
B. 手法复位
C. 药物止痛
D. 平卧观察
E. 抗生素治疗
患者男,62岁。5年来站立、咳嗽时反复出现左侧腹股沟肿块,呈梨形,平卧可消失。12小时前搬家具时肿块增大,有明显疼痛,平卧和手推均不能回纳,肛门停止排便泄气。诊断为腹外疝入院治疗。现患者治疗后即将出院,护士给予指导,其中不正确的是( )。
A. 出院后3个月内避免重体力劳动
B. 减少和清除引起腹外疝复发的因素
C. 调整饮食习惯,保持排便通畅
D. 定期随访,疝复发时可在家中观察
E. 注意避免增加腹内压的动作,如剧烈咳嗽等
A. 疝块
B. 疝外被盖
C. 疝内容物
D. 疝环
E. 疝囊