
A painter chooses certain shapes and colors because he feels that they ______ .

A. have been used frequently
B. are easy to work with
C. are worth showing to the public
D. will be most attractive to the public


The Danes believe that they are

A. orderly people just like the Germans and the Swedes
B. different from either the Germans or the Swedes
C. more like the British people
D. not orderly people as other people think

SECTION 2 Vocabularly Replacement
This section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence one word or phrase is given in the brackets. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer.
Blasts, riots and protest demonstrations rocked newly founded Iraq, threatening to tear the country apart.

A. staggered
B. distressed
C. prompted
D. assaulted


A. 甲企业向A商贸公司购进货物一批,因采购员无法确定其单位全称,要求A商贸公司在发票上暂不填写发票抬头,由甲企业会计补填发票联之后,再打电话告知具体单位名称,由A商贸公司补填剩余联次
B. 甲企业向B商贸公司购进货物一批,由于货物涉及品种较多,发票填列产品品种行次不够,所以在发票中填写为“货物一批”,后附货物清单列明货物明细
C. 甲企业向C公司销售货物一批,开具发票后未加盖发票专用章,只加盖了财务专用章
D. 甲商店向D企业赊销货物,协议约定3个月之后付清全款,甲商店按协议约定在收款当天开具了增值税专用发票
E. 甲商店会计休假,因此委托注册税务师代为开具发票


A. 硬件
B. 软件
C. 操作系统
D. 应用程序
