A relationship of two organisms living together (symbiosis) and one derives its nourishment at the expense of the other is called ( )
The number of individuals of a population the environment can support is ( )
为防止砂型落砂、铸件产生裂纹和缩孔,在铸件各表面的相交处应有( )。
A. 凸台
B. 倒角
C. 铸造圆角
为了便于装配和操作安全,常在轴和孔的端部加工出一个小圆锥面,称为( )。
A. 圆角
B. 倒角
C. 退刀槽
为了在加工时不损坏刀具、容易退刀和装配时零件的定位可靠,常在被加工零件的台阶处预先加工出( )。
A. 圆角
B. 倒角
C. 退刀槽