
财政政策的时滞有哪些( )。

A. 识别时滞
B. 生产时滞
C. 决策时滞
D. 实施时滞


货币政策的局限性包括( )。

A. 效果具有短期性
B. 货币流通速度的变动
C. 挤出效应
D. 货币政策的时滞

There was only one female prose writer in the 19th-century America. This was ____________.

A. Harriet Beecher Stowe
B. Hester Prynne
C. Emily Dickinson
D. Anne Bradstreet

Mrs. Stowe's masterpiece is _____________.

A. Life on the Mississippi
B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
C. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
D. Uncle Tom's Cabin

Who is NOT the master of Old Tom in Uncle Tom's Cabin?

A. Mr. Shelby
B. Mr. St. Clare
C. Mr. Haley
D. Simon Legree
