So we have zero shear stress at the outer surfaces (where bending stresses are maximum) and maximum shear stress at the neutral axis (where bending stresses are zero.
Max bending stress is 4L/h bigger than max shear stress, so shear stress unlikely to cause failure for slender beam!
A. 对
B. 错
“吴带当风”是哪位画家线条的代表性特点? A.顾恺之 B.曹仲达 C.吴道子 D.尉迟乙僧?
A. 顾恺之
B. 曹仲达
C. 吴道子
D. 尉迟乙僧
A. 达芬奇
B. 拉斐尔
C. 米开朗琪罗
D. 波提切利
A. 亚历山大
B. 菲狄亚斯
C. 赖特
D. 奥古斯丁