If children are upset about something, it’s important to find out what the problem is and __________ them.
A. frown
B. groan
C. console
D. reward
I have a drawer in my office where I keep ________________ I might need.
A. talk shop
B. go into
C. get through
D. odds and ends
When I told the class we had to stay in at lunchtime everyone __________.
A. exulted
B. groaned
C. shuddered
D. consoled
As you go up the career ladder in a school, there’s more ________________ and less actual teaching.
A. mess
B. administration
C. hilarity
D. lull
Why have you got a(n) __________ on your face on such a beautiful day?
A. frown
B. reward
C. transaction
D. expertise