
Which of the following statements about Pause is Not true?

A. It helps to Emphasize a point.
B. It gives the audience a necessary break to digest information.
C. A proper pause benefits only the audience.
D. It serves as an opportunity for the speaker to breathe during the speech.


Which of the following statements about changing your pitch is true?

A. Changing your pitch does not help to keep the audience stay alert and attentive.
B. It’s advisable to always emphasize the first sentence of a paragraph or lowering your tone when you are close to the ending part.
C. A fixed pattern will help you become an attractive speaker.
D. By changing the tune and tone of your voice, you send your message to your audience that something important is coming, and they should listen up.

If you really want your listeners to take notice of an important point, what is the most effective method?

A. Get quiet.
B. Shout at them.
C. Keep murmuring.
D. Keep a moderate volume.


A. 法院应追加王三为共同原告。
B. 法官依职权去当地走访,在调查走访时发现老王生前立下了遗嘱,于是调取了该份遗嘱,据此对遗产进行了分配。
C. 法官在调查走访时发现所争议的遗产中有一份古字画系案外人张某所有,而王大、王二与王三三人可能存在恶意串通侵占张某字画的行为,于是对相关证据予以调查收集。
D. 王二主张老王生前曾留下遗嘱,并向法院提交了遗嘱复印件,遗嘱复印件上有“遗嘱原件由王大保管”字样,并有老王亲笔签名,王二遂申请法院责令王大提交遗嘱原件,经责令,王大无正当理由拒不提交这份遗嘱,法院可以认定王二主张的书证内容为真实。


A. 唐某应当在举证期限届满前7日向法院申请调取证据。
B. 法院调査所得的证据,法院进行说明即可,不需要质证。
C. 法院调查所得的证据,视为唐某提供的证据,须由双方当事人进行质证。
D. 法院调查所得的证据,应由法院、唐某、A公司共同进行质证。
