
Cet-4-1.8-Exercise 01J) As I was considering all this, a press release from a respected research firm crossed my desk, announcing that the five-star rating system that Medicare developed in 2008 to help families compare nursing home quality also has little relationship to how satisfied its residents or their family members are. As a matter of fact, consumers expressed higher satisfaction with the one-star facilities, the lowest rated, than with the five-star ones. (More on this study and the star ratings will appear in a subsequent post.)

A. The author has come to agree that food shortages could ultimately lead to the collapse of world civilization.
B. The system Medicare developed to rate nursing home quality is of little help to finding a satisfactory place.


Cet-4-1.8-Exercise 02C) As demand for food rises faster than supplies are growing, the resulting food-price inflation puts severe stress on the governments of many countries. Unable to buy grain or grow their own, hungry people take to the streets. Indeed, even before the steep climb in grain prices in 2008, the number of failing states was expanding. If the food situation continues to worsen, entire nations will break down at an ever increasing rate. In the 20th century the main threat to international security was superpower conflict; today it is failing states.

A. Increasing water shortages prove to be the biggest obstacle to boosting the world’s grain production.
B. Rather than superpower conflict, countries unable to cope with food shortages now constitute the main threat to world security.


A. 内侧1-2cm
B. 内侧3-4cm
C. 外侧1-2cm
D. 外侧3-4cm
E. 外侧5-6cm


A. 法国
B. 意大利
C. 瑞典
D. 美国


A. 二尖瓣
B. 三尖瓣
C. 主动脉瓣
D. 肺动脉瓣
E. 回盲瓣
