A. 纵横墙不同步砌筑
B. 施工临时间断处留量过多直槎
C. 不按规定留设脚手洞
D. 铝合金和塑料窗不填充保温材料,未用防水密封胶封堵缝隙
A. 美酒飘香
B. 煤气爆炸
C. 生铁百炼成钢
D. 铜器锈蚀变绿
A. 正确
B. 错误
Which three characteristics apply to IS - IS but not to OSPF?()
A. uses a default IOS metric of 10 on each interface
B. uses an on - demand circuit to reduce the hello and LSA flooding across switched WAN li nks,such as ISDN
C. uses a DIS and a backup DIS to present the psuedo - node on the LAN
D. encapsulates PDUs directly into a data - link frame
E. uses stubby areas to improve network scalability
F. runs PRC (Partial Route Calculations) to calculate IP re achability informatio
A. 正确
B. 错误