根据下列材料,请回答问题: 统计局在全区执法检查中发现甲企业虚报工业增加值,情节十分严重,遂依据《统计法》对甲企业提供不真实的统计数据的行为进行了处罚。 若甲企业向统计局申请复议,统计局做出了维持原处罚的决定,甲企业仍不服,甲企业可以采取的维护自己的合法权益的措施包括()。
A. 向国家统计局申请复议
B. 向海淀区法院起诉
C. 向北京市中级法院起诉
D. 向北京市政府申诉
A. 启蒙运动
B. 宗教改革运动
C. 文化革命
D. 文艺复兴运动
Cer-tech .com has four branch offices. To deploy the images, you install Microsoft Windows Deployment Services (WDS) on the network. Cer-tech .com creates 4 images for each branch office. There are a totalof 16 images for Cer-tech .com. You deploy these images through WDS. A problem occurs in one branchoffice where the administrator reports that when he boots the WDS client computer,some of the images forhis regional office does not show up in the boot menu. What should you do to ensure that everyadministrator can view all the images for his branch office?()
A. Create separate image group for each branch office on the WDS server
B. Create unique organizational unit for each branch office and create profiles for each computer in thebranch office
C. Organize a global group for each branch office and create profiles of each computer in a branch office
D. Create a Global Unique Identifier for each computer to recognize its branch office and connect it to theWDS server