根据《国家赔偿法》规定____情形下,国家不予行政赔偿 行政机关工作人员的行为是与行使职权无关的个人行为 过失行为 相对人的行为造成损害 执法人员与相对人共同造成的损害
根据《赔偿法》第28条的规定:吊销许可证和执照,责令停产停业的,赔偿停业期间必要的经常性费用开支。必要的经常性开支是指公民、企业在停业期间用于维持生存的____。 水费 电费 仓储保管费 职工基本工资
根据《国家赔偿法》第30条规定:赔偿义务机关在予以金钱赔偿的同时,对受害人造成的名誉权、荣誉权等人格权方面的损害的,还要以精神赔偿的方式为其消除影响,恢复名誉,赔礼道歉,但是____。 承担责任的限度与损害程度相适应 不可以单独适用,而只能合并适用 所需费用由国家承担 所需费用应由受害人个人承担
A new report released by the American Federation of Teachers(AFT)reminds us of a topic education writers almost never address-the indecent side of the recruitment of teachers abroad for U.S schools. The AFT report, "Importing Educators: Causes and Consequences of International Teacher Recruitment, "has some shocking disclosures, and deserves a close readingThe report says that one recruiter for overseas-educated teachers in Newark, N.J, forced recruits to sign a contract obligating them to kick back 25 percent of their salaries to the recruiter. Other recruiters claimed that they would help the teachers to get loans at 60 percent interest rate. Some forbade them to own cars. Some placed the newly arrived teachers in overcrowded, unfinished he ousing,the report said.The AFT was smart to start their press release on the report with this true statement: "The growing number of overseas-educated teachers in U.S. schools has put many talented educators inclassrooms. "Then it added the concerns that the immoral recruiting has raised.This is something for school boards and citizens to investigate in cities that have recruited many teachers from abroad. It is another reason why we should celebrate groups like Teach For America that are working hard to persuade more Americans to consider teaching in those districts that have the greatest shortages.The best teacher I ever saw in action, the man who turned me into an education reporter, was educated in Bolivia, and taught there until he moved to the U.S. when he was 34. He was not recruited by anyone. His wife hoped that moving him to America would persuade him to stop teaching, which she thought was beneath him. His name is Jaime Escalante. If anyone had tried any of these recruiter tricks on him, they would have regretted it for the rest of their lives. He was, and still is in retirement, a tough guy, who spent 10 years learning English and redoing his college education so he could teach here. I am sure the AFT will be very happy if we get more like him, and stop this exploitation of people who want to help kids.1. What issue has long been ignored by education writers?
A. Many overseas teachers wanted to work in the American schools.
B. There was dirty work in the process of recruiting overseas teachers.
C. The American schools recruited unqualified overseas teachers.
D. Overseas teachers did not enjoy any welfare in the United States.
What is the AFT report mainly concerned about?
A. The low salaries of the overseas teachers.
B. The recruiting process of the overseas teachers.
C. The need for more overseas teachers in the U.S.
D. The living conditions of the overseas teachers.