Environmental influence, such as __________, also has an impact on personality.
A. video games
B. family life
C. academic performance
D. physical appearance
Although different personalities make people interesting, many people want to adjust their personalities because __________.
A. they are bored by their former personalities
B. they need some positive traits
C. some personalities are more pleasing
D. young people always want changes
In the text, the author classified the elements of a person's personality into three categories. Please scan the text and finish the following table.
A. 认识是曲折发展的过程
B. 认识是常识积累的结果
C. 实践是认识的源泉
D. 认识是经验的积累
A. 理性自主的道德活动
B. 人类能动改造世界的社会性的物质活动
C. 主观改造客观对象的创造性精神活动
D. 生物适应环境的活动