
牛强是某医院医生,1998年经人介绍与杨兰认识。因牛强家贫,而杨家又只有杨兰一个女儿,故两家决定招牛强为上门女婿,但条件是将来两人的孩子随母姓。婚后两人感情很好。2001年,杨兰产下一子,取名杨小鹏。渐渐地,牛对自己在杨家的地位感到不满,尤其是对孩子随了母姓这件事不舒服。2002年,他没有与杨兰商量,就到派出所把孩子的名字改为牛小鹏。杨兰得知后,觉得牛不同自己商量就把孩子的名字改了,是不尊重自己,觉得很委屈。杨兰父亲得知后,更是气愤,要求将孩子的名字再改过来。[试分析] (1)两家决定招牛强为上门女婿时,以将来两人所生的孩子随母姓为条件,是否正确?(2)牛私自跑到派出所更改孩子的姓名,是否正确?


下列程序实现求1!+3!+5!+7!+9!,将程序语句补充完整。M=1S=0DO WHILEM<10I=1P=1DO WHILE【?】P=P*II=I+1ENDDO【?】M=M+2ENDDO?SRETURN

________ after a long walk, Mike said he couldn’t go to the party.

A. Having worn out
Be worn out
C. To wear out
D. Worn out

The crop has similar qualities to the previous one,________both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.

A. been
B. being
C. to be
D. having been

They were arguing but ____________ when someone came into the room.

A. broke off
B. broke down
C. broke up
D. broke out
