Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus is the title of a best- selling book by John Gray published in 1992. The title goes some way to describing the thesis of the book, which is that there are profound differences between men and women and that until these differences are acknowledged and accepted there will always be conflict between them. The book caused a sensation when it first appeared, as readers instinctively felt that Gray’s ideas had a lot of truth in them,.In the book Gray describes men as getting their sense of self from achievement while women get their sense of self from relationships. Men’s primary need, says Gray, is for respect, along with trust, acceptance, appreciation and admiration. He points out that men also need to be needed. Women, on the other hand, need to be cherished and given understanding and reassurance.The idea of Gray’s that has made the most impact is his description of the different ways in which men and women react to stress. When men get stressed, according to Gray, they need to retreat -he memorably describes this process as “retreating into their cave”. During this time, men need to be left alone so that they can distance themselves from their problems, focus on something else and then approach their problems afresh and find a solution.The problem here is that a woman’s reaction to stress is to discuss things. So women, on perceiving that their partner is unhappy, try to make him talk, and feel upset by his lack of response, when they should just allow him time to be alone. Similarly, when women are stressed, men can help them best by listening to them and discussing their problems with them.Gray’s conclusion is that accepting each other’s differences and supporting one another, men and women can live happily ever after!The title of the book Men Are from Mars and Women from Venus .
A. helped make the book a best-seller
B. explains Gray’s main ideas completely
C. tells us something about Gray’s main ideas
D. suggests that men and women will never understand each other
In his book, Gray says that .
A. men need to be successful whereas women are more interested in people
B. both men and women need to be needed
C. both men and women need a lot of love
D. if men don’t have goals they will become unhappy
According to Gray, when men get stressed, .
A. they need a place where they can stay alone for a while
B. they find focusing on something else will help solve their problems
C. they will find a solution only when left alone for a while
D. they don’t want to spend a lot of time thinking about their problems alone
When a woman sees that a man is stressed, she .
A. should help him discuss things
B. will get upset
C. will try to make him talk
D. needs to listen to him more